Democrat Ashley ehasz raises record numbers in 3rd quarter


October 3, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, combat veteran and Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District Ashley Ehasz announced her highest fundraising quarter yet, bringing in over $1.25 million in Q3, which is the largest quarterly sum raised by any Democrat in PA-01 history. Contributions $100 and under make up over 85% of this raise.

As Ehasz’s fundraising hauls continue to grow markedly quarter after quarter, Republican incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick’s numbers have shrunk, demonstrating the ever-increasing grassroots enthusiasm PA-01 voters have for Ehasz to flip the district blue and protect reproductive freedom, democracy, and economic opportunity. A recent poll found that PA-01 voters favor Ehasz by 7 points when they learn that her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law.

“I am extraordinarily proud of and grateful for the support, momentum, and excitement our campaign has generated across Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Raising over $1.25 million in Q3 alone - which is more than any other Democrat in PA-01 history - and over $3.4 million throughout this cycle makes clear that PA-01 is ready for change. 

“By voting for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law - and now lying about it - Brian Fitzpatrick has shown that he cannot be trusted and that when push comes to shove, he will cave to MAGA extremists every time.

”Bucks and Montgomery Counties are ready for pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership they can trust, and I am battle-tested and ready to lead. Together, we are building a campaign for the people and by the people, and I look forward to strengthening our coalition to flip PA-01 blue in November.”

To learn more about Ehasz’s historic fundraising efforts for Democrats in PA-01, go to



Republicans for Ehasz coalition rallies behind Democrat Ashley Ehasz to represent PA-01 in Congress


Democrat Ashley Ehasz launches new ad educating voters on Fitzpatrick record supporting a national abortion ban