Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

PA-01 Democratic Congressional nominee Ashley Ehasz launches new TV ad hitting Brian Fitzpatrick for voting for a national abortion ban

Bucks County, PA – PA-01 Democratic Congressional nominee and combat veteran Ashley Ehasz aired a new television ad titled “Headlines” that highlights her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick’s extreme anti-abortion record. A recent poll found that PA-01 voters favor Ehasz by 7 points when they learn that Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law.


October 10, 2024

Bucks County, PA – PA-01 Democratic Congressional nominee and combat veteran Ashley Ehasz aired a new television ad titled “Headlines” that highlights her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick’s extreme anti-abortion record. A recent poll found that PA-01 voters favor Ehasz by 7 points when they learn that Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law. Ashley Ehasz said:

“Brian Fitzpatrick is playing right into the GOP extremist playbook by lying to voters about his record supporting a national abortion ban and his repeated attempts to restrict access to abortion. He does not support women, and he has repeatedly shown us that we cannot trust him to protect our reproductive rights. Brian refuses to defend his record in front of his constituents and has yet to accept the third-party, nonpartisan invitation to meet me on the debate stage on October 22nd. 

“PA-01 voters deserve to know exactly where the candidates they support stand. As a combat veteran who fought to defend our fundamental freedoms abroad, only to have been made a second class citizen by Trump and the cronies like Brian Fitzpatrick who enabled him, I am committed to bringing pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership that PA-01 residents can count on to show up and fight for them in Washington.”


Young women dead in hospital parking lots after being refused care.

Pregnant women turned away at E.R.s.

Teens forced to become parents.

When Donald Trump’s Supreme Court struck down Roe v Wade - these horror stories became a reality. 

Brian Fitzpatrick doubled down AGAINST our right to choose.

Fitzpatrick voted FOR a national abortion ban that would overturn Pennsylvania law.

He even called it a GOOD START.


Firing Brian Fitzpatrick is a good start. 

I’m Ashley Ehasz, and I approve this message.

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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Fitzpatrick Hides from the Media as Democratic Challenger Ashley Ehasz is set to Participate in Nonpartisan PA-01 Congressional Candidate Forum

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz announced she will participate in a candidate forum hosted by the nonpartisan New Pennsylvania Project that will be open to the public and press on October 22nd.


October 8, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz announced she will participate in a candidate forum hosted by the nonpartisan New Pennsylvania Project that will be open to the public and press on October 22nd. Ehasz challenged her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick to a debate in September after learning that the PA-01 Congressional debate - historically held at the Bucks County Community College - would not take place this year. Fitzpatrick has yet to accept the challenge from Ehasz or the invitation from New Pennsylvania Project, continuing his streak of dodging public forums, the media, and his constituents. Ashley Ehasz said:

“I believe that the public should be able to hear directly from their candidates about the issues that matter most to them, particularly when our fundamental freedoms and the safety of our democracy are on the line. It’s just like Brian Fitzpatrick to duck from any unscripted exposure to the public and the media as he tries to run from his own record. 

As a commander in the Army, I know a little something about being accountable to my soldiers; I show up for my people. And in Congress, I will always show up for my community in Pennsylvania’s First. Our voters deserve to know what they will be voting for come November, and they deserve a leader who is willing to show up for them and stand by the work they have accomplished. 

The fact that Brian isn’t even willing to face me on the debate stage and defend his record tells us all that we need to know: he doesn’t show up for this community. 

That’s because he doesn’t want to be held accountable - Brian supported a national abortion ban without exceptions for the health of the mother, and he repeatedly voted to restrict access to abortion. Brian refused to hold Trump accountable for his actions around January 6, 2021, and he continuously caves to MAGA extremists in the GOP by voting to block critical investments that have brought relief and thousands of jobs to PA-01. 

I look forward to sharing my vision for pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership on October 22nd with Bucks and Montgomery County voters. 

Brian, you still have a chance to do the right thing - I hope to see you there.”


To learn more about Ashley Ehasz, visit and follow the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @ashley_ehasz.

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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Republicans for Ehasz coalition rallies behind Democrat Ashley Ehasz to represent PA-01 in Congress

Bucks County, PA – A coalition of Republican elected officials and community leaders came together today to endorse combat veteran and Democratic candidate Ashley Ehasz to be the next Representative for Pennsylvania’s 1st District. Republicans for Ehasz is led by Bucks County elected Republican officials Barry Moore, Northampton Township Supervisor, and Chuck Bristow, Ivyland Borough Council Member and Veteran.


October 7, 2024

Bucks County, PA – A coalition of Republican elected officials and community leaders came together today to endorse combat veteran and Democratic candidate Ashley Ehasz to be the next Representative for Pennsylvania’s 1st District. Republicans for Ehasz is led by Bucks County elected Republican officials Barry Moore, Northampton Township Supervisor, and Chuck Bristow, Ivyland Borough Council Member and Veteran.

“This November, I proudly support Army combat veteran Ashley Ehasz as the next Member of Congress for Pennsylvania’s First District. Despite Fitzpatrick knowing better, he repeatedly changes his position under pressure from party extremes - voting for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law yet now suddenly trying to claim that he supports women. Furthermore, he voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, which has driven down inflation, created thousands of jobs, and made historic investments to address climate change. We need someone like Ashley, who can lead us with courage and clarity and who will truly represent Bucks County in Washington,” Barry Moore states.

“Deciding to vote for Ashley in November was an easy decision,” Chuck Bristow adds. “Battle-tested and tough as they come, Ashley provides principled leadership we can trust to defend our democratic institutions and freedoms. Her opponent Brian Fitzpatrick claims to be moderate and bipartisan, yet he has backed the most extreme wings of the Republican party and failed to hold Trump accountable for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. PA-01 deserves a leader who embodies strength, conviction, and integrity to make tough decisions, and having commanded troops in the Army and flown attack helicopters over Baghdad, Ms. Ehasz has proven herself to be that leader.”

Ashley Ehasz says, “My entire professional career, beginning when I joined the Army at age 17 and took my oath of office to protect and defend the constitution against our foreign and domestic enemies, I have worked across the aisle in order to accomplish a common mission. That same principle holds true for this campaign. Together, we are building a diverse coalition of grassroots support that demonstrates that PA-01 voters are ready for change and ready to have pro-democracy, pro-choice leadership in Washington they can trust.” 

The announcement of the Republicans for Ehasz coalition comes on the heels of Ehasz’s record breaking $1.25 million fundraising haul during the third quarter of 2024, the most raised in one quarter by a Democrat in PA-01 history.


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Democrat Ashley ehasz raises record numbers in 3rd quarter

Bucks County, PA – Today, combat veteran and Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District Ashley Ehasz announced her highest fundraising quarter yet, bringing in over $1.25 million in Q3, which is the largest quarterly sum raised by any Democrat in PA-01 history. Contributions $100 and under make up over 85% of this raise.


October 3, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, combat veteran and Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District Ashley Ehasz announced her highest fundraising quarter yet, bringing in over $1.25 million in Q3, which is the largest quarterly sum raised by any Democrat in PA-01 history. Contributions $100 and under make up over 85% of this raise.

As Ehasz’s fundraising hauls continue to grow markedly quarter after quarter, Republican incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick’s numbers have shrunk, demonstrating the ever-increasing grassroots enthusiasm PA-01 voters have for Ehasz to flip the district blue and protect reproductive freedom, democracy, and economic opportunity. A recent poll found that PA-01 voters favor Ehasz by 7 points when they learn that her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law.

“I am extraordinarily proud of and grateful for the support, momentum, and excitement our campaign has generated across Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Raising over $1.25 million in Q3 alone - which is more than any other Democrat in PA-01 history - and over $3.4 million throughout this cycle makes clear that PA-01 is ready for change. 

“By voting for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law - and now lying about it - Brian Fitzpatrick has shown that he cannot be trusted and that when push comes to shove, he will cave to MAGA extremists every time.

”Bucks and Montgomery Counties are ready for pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership they can trust, and I am battle-tested and ready to lead. Together, we are building a campaign for the people and by the people, and I look forward to strengthening our coalition to flip PA-01 blue in November.”

To learn more about Ehasz’s historic fundraising efforts for Democrats in PA-01, go to


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Democrat Ashley Ehasz launches new ad educating voters on Fitzpatrick record supporting a national abortion ban

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democratic congressional candidate for PA-01 Ashley Ehasz launched a new ad educating voters about her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick’s record supporting a national abortion ban in lockstep with MAGA extremists


September 25, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democratic congressional candidate for PA-01 Ashley Ehasz launched a new ad educating voters about her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick’s record supporting a national abortion ban in lockstep with MAGA extremists. The ad was informed by the release of an internal poll for the Ehasz for Congress campaign, which shows that Ehasz overtakes Fitzpatrick by 7 points when voters learn about his anti-abortion record.

“Protecting reproductive freedom is the number one issue I hear about when I speak with folks across Bucks and Montgomery Counties. When voters in PA-01 learn that Brian Fitzpatrick supported a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law, they not only feel misled by Brian’s lies, but they abandon him and support me. 

“When it comes down to it, Pennsylvanians will vote to protect their reproductive freedom. That’s why it’s so essential that PA-01 voters know the truth about Brian’s anti-abortion record and his history of cozying up to MAGA extremists when they need his vote most. Fitzpatrick has shown he can’t be trusted to protect our fundamental freedoms. I am ready to bring pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership that PA-01 residents can count on and deserve.”


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Ehasz blasts Fitzpatrick for refusing joint endorsement interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz calls out her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick for refusing to participate in the joint endorsement interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board, continuing his pattern of hiding from the media and from his constituents. The joint interview was to be conducted via Zoom, with questions directed to both candidates. Ehasz will still participate in the endorsement interview on October 15th.


September 23, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz calls out her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick for refusing to participate in the joint endorsement interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Board, continuing his pattern of hiding from the media and from his constituents. The joint interview was to be conducted via Zoom, with questions directed to both candidates. Ehasz will still participate in the endorsement interview on October 15th.

“It’s just like Brian Fitzpatrick to shy away from any event that would force him to come clean about his true beliefs on abortion rights and his far-right extremist friends in Washington. His refusal to participate in the joint endorsement interview with the Inquirer is just another example of his cowardice.

“The public deserves to hear directly from their leaders about the issues that matter most to them. PA-01 is an overwhelmingly pro-choice district, and yet Brian voted for a national abortion ban that would have overturned Pennsylvania state law. 

“As a combat veteran, I am committed to fighting to protect our freedoms at home just as fiercely as I did abroad. I look forward to speaking with the Inquirer about my vision for pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership as the Congresswoman representing the hardworking people of Pennsylvania’s First District.” 


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FOGLAMP Creative Team FOGLAMP Creative Team

Ashley Ehasz challenges opponent Brian Fitzpatrick to debate

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz officially challenged opponent Brian Fitzpatrick to a public, televised debate to ensure voters have the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates on the issues that matter most to them before they cast their ballots. The Bucks County Community College, historically the host of PA-01 congressional debates, recently rescinded its invitation to host the debate.


September 18, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz officially challenged opponent Brian Fitzpatrick to a public, televised debate to ensure voters have the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates on the issues that matter most to them before they cast their ballots. The Bucks County Community College, historically the host of PA-01 congressional debates, recently rescinded its invitation to host the debate.

“Bucks and Montgomery County voters deserve the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates, particularly as my opponent Brian Fitzpatrick obscures his own anti-abortion voting record and he cozies up to MAGA extremists like Jim Jordan and Speaker Mike Johnson. 

“Time and time again, Brian runs from his own record. He evades reporters, refuses to engage with voters in public forums, and stays silent on his support for Trump and his Project 2025 agenda. Voters cannot trust that our democracy and our basic freedoms will not be infringed upon by Brian’s cowardice and failure to stand up to extremists. 

“The stakes of this election could not be higher. PA-01 is an overwhelmingly pro-choice district that is currently represented by an overwhelmingly anti-abortion extremist who is more concerned with catering to his party bosses in Washington than the hardworking people in Pennsylvania’s First District. 

“As a combat veteran, I will work tirelessly to protect our freedoms here at home just as fiercely as I did overseas, including by voting for the Women’s Health Protection Act to codify Roe v. Wade into law and protecting the freedom, fairness, and transparency of our democracy.

“Bucks and Montgomery communities should be able to hear directly from their leaders. I stand ready to debate, because I am ready to lead. Are you, Brian?”


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

Ashley Ehasz launches first ad of the cycle in PA-01

Bucks County, PA - This week, Ashley Ehasz’s campaign aired its first TV ad, “Second Class Citizen.” The six figure ad buy highlights Ehasz’s experience in the U.S. Army as an Apache helicopter pilot fighting for our fundamental freedoms. It also exposes Representative Brian Fitzpatrick’s anti-abortion record, including his vote for a national abortion ban.


August 1, 2024

Bucks County, PA - This week, Ashley Ehasz’s campaign aired its first TV ad, “Second Class Citizen.” The six figure ad buy highlights Ehasz’s experience in the U.S. Army as an Apache helicopter pilot fighting for our fundamental freedoms. It also exposes Representative Brian Fitzpatrick’s anti-abortion record, including his vote for a national abortion ban.

For too long, Brian Fitzpatrick has tried to hide his voting record on abortion,” said Ehasz. “But our community deserves to know that their representative is voting against their reproductive rights. In the Army, I fought to defend our country’s freedom, and now I am proud to stand up to anti-choice extremists like Brian Fitzpatrick, who wants to take away our reproductive freedom.”

The PA-01 race has continued to garner national attention in recent months with endorsements from groups such as the DCCC. Polling shows Ehasz within two points of Fitzpatrick and after voters are informed about his anti-choice record and previous vote for a national abortion ban, Ehasz jumps to a 7-point lead. The launch of this ad in August is one more proof point that  Ehasz is gaining momentum heading and will unseat Fitzpatrick in November.

Ashley Ehasz is a West Point graduate, combat veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait, and former Apache helicopter pilot, running for Congress against Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District. After nearly 13 years of military service as a pilot and a company Commander, she left the Army to get her master’s degree at the University of Oxford. She lives in Bensalem.


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

ICYMI: DCCC poll shows Brian Fitzpatrick loses PA-01 when anti-choice votes are exposed

Bucks County, PA – Last Thursday, the DCCC released a polling memo showing that when voters hear about Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick’s anti-choice voting record, his opponent, Ashley Ehasz, takes the lead. When hearing the initial profiles of the two candidates, Fitzpatrick is up by five points (44-49%). But when voters learn of Fitzpatrick’s vote for a national abortion ban in 2017, Ehasz is ahead (50-43%).


June 2024

Bucks County, PA – Last Thursday, the DCCC released a polling memo showing that when voters hear about Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick’s anti-choice voting record, his opponent, Ashley Ehasz, takes the lead. When hearing the initial profiles of the two candidates, Fitzpatrick is up by five points (44-49%). But when voters learn of Fitzpatrick’s vote for a national abortion ban in 2017, Ehasz is ahead (50-43%).  Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban in 2017 and voted twice against the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have protected the right to an abortion at the federal level. Fitzpatrick, a self-proclaimed “moderate”, voted twice for right-wing extremist Jim Jordan as Speaker, and also voted for Speaker Mike Johnson, known for his anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ beliefs. 

The poll was released on the same day that the Supreme Court decided not to impose restrictions on mifepristone. Ehasz, a combat veteran, is a major advocate for reproductive healthcare and will stand for women’s rights in Congress.

“The Supreme Court ruling was a major win for women and their families, but we aren’t out of the woods yet,” said Ehasz. “This poll echoes what I have heard time and time again on the campaign trail – people in PA-01 are shocked by and deeply concerned with Brian Fitzpatrick’s anti-choice policies, like his support for a nationwide abortion ban. When it comes down to it, Pennsylvanians will vote to protect their reproductive freedoms.”

Ehasz is endorsed by the DCCC’s Red to Blue Program, EMILYs List, NewDems Action Fund, VoteVets, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and the American Federation of Teachers PA. In 2020, Biden won PA-01 by 5 points, making it a prime pick up for Democrats in 2024 to overcome the narrow GOP House majority. 

Ashley Ehasz is a West Point graduate, combat veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait, and former Apache helicopter pilot, running for Congress against Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District. After nearly 13 years of military service as a pilot and a company Commander, she left the Army to get her Master’s degree at the University of Oxford. She lives in Bensalem.


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Victoria Casarrubias Victoria Casarrubias

DCCC’s Red to Blue Program adds Ashley Ehasz in PA-01

Bucks County, PAToday, the DCCC announced that Democrat Ashley Ehasz would be added to their coveted Red to Blue program. Ehasz, an Army combat veteran, is running against anti-choice GOP incumbent Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick. This endorsement clearly signals that the DCCC sees PA-01 as key to flipping the House this November.


May 29, 2024 

Bucks County, PAToday, the DCCC announced that Democrat Ashley Ehasz would be added to their coveted Red to Blue program. Ehasz, an Army combat veteran, is running against anti-choice GOP incumbent Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick. This endorsement clearly signals that the DCCC sees PA-01 as key to flipping the House this November.

DCCC Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene spoke highly of Ehasz’s service to our country, and of how critical it is that she win this November: “Ashley Ehasz has always fought for our fundamental freedoms and was willing to lay her life on the line to defend our democracy. At a time when anti-abortion extremists like Brian Fitpatrick are bending the knee to Donald Trump in pursuit of a national abortion ban, Pennsylvanians deserve a leader like Ashley who will codify Roe v. Wade and protect a woman’s right to choose.”

Ehasz had this to say about being on Red to Blue: “Being part of the DCCC's Red to Blue program shows that the path to flipping the House, defending democracy, and protecting our reproductive freedom runs through Pennsylvania's First. In Congress, I'll fight for our freedom and our right to choose, just as I did in the Army.”

Ehasz is endorsed by EMILYs List, NewDems Action Fund, VoteVets, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and the American Federation of Teachers PA. In 2020, Biden won PA-01 by 5 points, making it a prime pick up for Democrats in 2024 to overcome the narrow GOP House majority. 

Ashley Ehasz is a West Point graduate, combat veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait, and former Apache helicopter pilot, and former Apache helicopter pilot, running for Congress against Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District. After nearly 13 years of military service as a pilot and a company Commander, she left the Army to get her Master’s degree at the University of Oxford. She lives in Bensalem.


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