Fitzpatrick Hides from the Media as Democratic Challenger Ashley Ehasz is set to Participate in Nonpartisan PA-01 Congressional Candidate Forum


October 8, 2024

Bucks County, PA – Today, Democrat Ashley Ehasz announced she will participate in a candidate forum hosted by the nonpartisan New Pennsylvania Project that will be open to the public and press on October 22nd. Ehasz challenged her Republican opponent Brian Fitzpatrick to a debate in September after learning that the PA-01 Congressional debate - historically held at the Bucks County Community College - would not take place this year. Fitzpatrick has yet to accept the challenge from Ehasz or the invitation from New Pennsylvania Project, continuing his streak of dodging public forums, the media, and his constituents. Ashley Ehasz said:

“I believe that the public should be able to hear directly from their candidates about the issues that matter most to them, particularly when our fundamental freedoms and the safety of our democracy are on the line. It’s just like Brian Fitzpatrick to duck from any unscripted exposure to the public and the media as he tries to run from his own record. 

As a commander in the Army, I know a little something about being accountable to my soldiers; I show up for my people. And in Congress, I will always show up for my community in Pennsylvania’s First. Our voters deserve to know what they will be voting for come November, and they deserve a leader who is willing to show up for them and stand by the work they have accomplished. 

The fact that Brian isn’t even willing to face me on the debate stage and defend his record tells us all that we need to know: he doesn’t show up for this community. 

That’s because he doesn’t want to be held accountable - Brian supported a national abortion ban without exceptions for the health of the mother, and he repeatedly voted to restrict access to abortion. Brian refused to hold Trump accountable for his actions around January 6, 2021, and he continuously caves to MAGA extremists in the GOP by voting to block critical investments that have brought relief and thousands of jobs to PA-01. 

I look forward to sharing my vision for pro-choice, pro-democracy leadership on October 22nd with Bucks and Montgomery County voters. 

Brian, you still have a chance to do the right thing - I hope to see you there.”


To learn more about Ashley Ehasz, visit and follow the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @ashley_ehasz.


PA-01 Democratic Congressional nominee Ashley Ehasz launches new TV ad hitting Brian Fitzpatrick for voting for a national abortion ban


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